...to create


with no compromises!


Submitted By:

Syed Sadullah Hussainy

Arab Open University, Muscat, Oman



This research deals with the role of Digital Citizenship and the factors affecting Digital Citizenship amongst colleges and university professors. A well-structured questionnaire was distributed among 150 teachers from different colleges who have gathered at an academic conference in South India. In modern times, indeed, college faculties use the Internet and computers. The Economic Times, a daily newspaper in India, reported that India reaches 706 million internet users in the year 2019 and the internet penetration rate is 51.71%.  Digital citizenship is described as the conscientious use of technology by some who interact with society at various levels such as social, financial, political, and governmental, etc., by using computers, internet, and digital devices. The Digital citizens practice the safe, respectful, and lawful use of technology by understanding the rights and responsibilities when he/she is online. This research helps the professors and parents to understand what their children and students should be aware of while using digital technologies. This paper is mainly addressing three important factors that affect digital citizenship among colleges and universities professors, i.e., 1. Understanding and knowledge of internet, 2 perceptions towards the internet, and 3. Computer self-efficacy. The qualitative research approach was adopted, where the objects are one hundred and fifteen universities and college professors from the south Indian region. The result of this research reveals that professors’ digital citizenship is roughly at a good level. Apart from this, computer literacy and computer experience may not be affecting the digital citizenship among universities and college professor. The professor who has studied and got training of computer-related courses and having valid credential like and prefer to engage in self-education and online events.   The Internet attitude and self-efficacy of computers have driven a higher degree of global citizenship. Finally, for the faculty of universities/colleges, different suggestions were made to develop digital citizenship.



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